Elisabeth Fanger ou Faïngersch

Elisabeth Fanger ou Faïngersch

My first novel "I was 18" (an autobiography) was published by Ramsay in November 2004. This story was adapted to the cinema by Benoit Jacquot under the title "A tout de suite" Film selected at Cannes. I am co-author of the script. I have recovered the copyright and wish to present this story completely differently. My second novel; Des rêves et des rives, (formerly titled Et toi...) got a very good review from the SACD (Section Beaumarchais) In the meantime, my book on the Secret Story's backstage was released on Nov. 4 by "L'Archipel". In short, 1 film to be remade and a 2nd one to be made...

Born in 1956

Cannes France

Web : http://elisabeth.fanger.over-blog.com/



Ecole supérieure d'arts modernes - Décoration d'intérieur
Cerfpa St Laurent du Var - Yes - Psychanalyse


Search scriptwriter / Feature film "Des rêves et des rives
A look at my page. Feature film script with synopsis and SACD's opinion.